Tuesday, 29 December 2020
We have a long Christmas holiday to travel virtually and enjoy the fun side of learning. Will you join us to visit the Warner Brothers Studios in Los Angeles, California, USA? You can see the plot where Friends was filmed, some of the Harry Potter costumes, and much more. The reporter who took the pictures and videos recommended us to first watch the tour video on the official website. Then, you can have a look at the photos taken on the spot and read their info if you click here
If you want to get more info about events and special features in the Warner studios, click here.
Los Angeles,
Monday, 28 December 2020
Can you imagine going on a tour to see the future? This is what the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is about. The Kennedy Space Center is the name given to the NASA Premises in Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA. This is the spot where rockets were launched in the Apollo missions, and they are also launched to get to Mars in the Orion missions.
If you are a scientist-to-be and want to get to follow the steps of somebody who was there, click here
If you want to get to know the NASA in depth, you had better visit the Kennedy Space Center official website, or else the NASA at Home website
Thursday, 3 December 2020
Do you like the Spanish food trucks which come to the Pilar festivals in Zaragoza? If you do, let us see around the Canadian cities of Calgary, with its world-famous Stampede yearly celebration evey year in July, and Toronto with its Food Truck Festival. You can see a wide range of them by clicking here Pick one to order your meal!
Friday, 30 October 2020
Some of your teachers this year have thought of setting up a contest on Halloween stories.There are great artists both in 1st Year and 2nd Year of Secondary. the deadline has already expired. We would like to congratulate those participants who followed the rules to the letter. If you want to read all the amazing stories, you can click here
by Isabel Foix, 1C
by Vega Millán, 1C
by Mihail Prichici, 1A
Thursday, 22 October 2020
Are you hungry for beauty? Then look at what amazing works of art can be found in another famous museum of New York. Like the MET, the Gugghenheim has appeared in dozens of films.Its spiral slope is incredible, and so are its paintings. You can enjoy some by Kandinsky and and some selected Spanish painters by clicking here. You can also visit the website.
Vasily Kandinsky, Dominant curve
Some of our students are studying Arts for the second year. Their technical drawing is rather difficult to grasp. In order to make it more entertaining, we could pay a visit to two museums in New York. A Zufarian person visited it in the summer of 2019, took some photos of contemporary paintingss some of them by Spanish painters like Juan Gris, and lent them to us! And also of the notes of the corresponding paintings. You can have a glimpse of them by clicking here, or else visit the official website
Juan Gris, Still life with checked tablecloth
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Dear everybody,
It is now time to resume our activity as the academic year has started off. The new team of teachers has prepared a fun activity for the end of October- celebrating Halloween by inventing a horror story!
If you students want to write a horror story, it may be inspiring to listen to the most famous video clip ever- THRILLER, by Michael Jackson. Our music teacher Pablo has contributed to this. The second step to take is listening to EVERYBODY, by the Backstreet Boys. Have a try writing and win the prize! You can also read through the Music text by clicking here
Monday, 8 June 2020
Hello everyone. I want to publish this trip to Madrid. I have several reasons for it.
This student is good at Geography, photography, cuisine-
This is an educated family who want to look at both classical and contemporary world-class Spanish paintings. They have an interest in politics, as the Congress of Deputies is in their timetable. They have set up their trip very carefully in four days, and they will devote the fourth day to chilling out cherishing the wonderful Madrid tapas before heading for Zuera - Home sweet home!
This student is good at Geography, photography, cuisine-
This is an educated family who want to look at both classical and contemporary world-class Spanish paintings. They have an interest in politics, as the Congress of Deputies is in their timetable. They have set up their trip very carefully in four days, and they will devote the fourth day to chilling out cherishing the wonderful Madrid tapas before heading for Zuera - Home sweet home!
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
One of our reporters of Fort Gallicum Pictures travelled to Lisbon and told us about his itinerary. If you watch it, you will enjoy yourselves!
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
A series of incredible trips around the world is going to start in Fort Gallicum Productions. Some of our reporters travelled far and wide across the world. Watch the first chapter of an adventrue in Russia
Monday, 25 May 2020
Can you find out what year was this fim recorded? Look at the people, ask your grandparents and parents- and have a guess!
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
This story began in India, where Mary grew up until she was ten years old and her parents died. Then, she was sent to Yorkshire, England, where the most important part of the story takes place. Read more
Monday, 11 May 2020
Hi everybody
This new blog has been a rather new incredible experience, for sure. These are the opinios of our Secondary students about Projects and computers:
On the one hand I like it since it is quite practical to be able to work from home, but I prefer to work with books.
Me gusta hacer proyectos con el ordenador de vez en cuando, ya que así trabajamos de una manera diferente a la que solemos hacerlo de normal.
I like projects because I work as a team.
I like to do a project every three months because I learn and have fun with my Spanish friends.
I really love working with computers. The most interesting thing for me is singing in English! it´s fun and you learn a lot !
Computers online yes, books no
Me esta gustando tu actividad porque combinas muy bien el aprendizaje y un poquito de diversión. Pero yo prefiero ir a clase porque se me hace más sencillo y más llevadero.
I like doing the projects with my friends because we do the project and we have a good time.
Me gustaría hacer más trabajos orales para poder practicar la pronunciación en inglés. Me gustaría trabajar sobretodo en las expresiones que utilizan allí para poder comunicarte mejor si algún día vas por cualquier motivo.
I find it a very easy, fun and comfortable way for the situation we have now.
I like to work with computers but I don't sometimes understand very clear.
I think that doing projects is fun but I like doing other things like reading or doing exercises. I find them very funny and so we have a good time.
Creo que están bien de vez en cuando.
I prefer the workbook and I prefer not to record videos.
About proyects and computers I think that they are a good idea because it can be fun.
Me gusta trabajar con el ordenador, pero prefiero trabajar manual en clases normales.
Los proyectos los prefiero hacer con el ordenador porque puedes buscar información en Internet, buscar fotos y vídeos, y puedes usar aplicaciones como Word y PowertPoint.
I prefer projects because is more fun and you learn more.
Me parece buena idea hacer proyectos con el ordenador de vez en cuando, ya que no lo solemos hacer normalmente.
I like doing projects with computers. It is easier than doing it with the workbook, but I think that we can learn more with the worbook or student´s book.
In my opinion working with the cumputers is more fun and interesting than only working with books. If the work with the computers is not complicated it's fine and a good experience.
Es mejor que se hagan individuales para que nadie se aproveche de nadie y nade estorbe a ningún alumno.
I like computers. I like it but not all of the computers projects.
Hay veces que la tarea no está bien explicada y personalmente no se que tengo que hacer y tengo que ir preguntando a otras personas.
In my opinion I prefer manual work although that does not mean that I don't know how to use technology. Yet, offline work is easier for me.
I like the computers and the projects but I like small projects. I don 't like big projects
The projects in general are very good to learn. I like it but not for every day.
I like to work with computers because the truth is that I will use them quite well, but English projects are difficult for me since there are things that I do not understand. I see it as a way to complete class work
La verdad es que me gusta mucho más hacer las tareas en los libros y en el cuaderno que en el ordenador pero no me parece mal que lo usemos de vez en cuando, por otra parte no me gusta hacer proyectos me parece un método que premia la creatividad (que aunque me parezca importante no creo que se tenga que valorar tan positivamente), el tiempo libre y a veces le trabajo es de los padres no de los alumnos y no lo bueno que seas en la asignatura. En resumen me gustaría trabajar con ordenadores de vez en cuando pero no me gustaría hacer ningún proyecto.
Al principio era nuevo para todos y la adaptación costó un poco. Pero ahora que ya nos hemos acostumbrado lo llevamos muy bien y sabemos manejarnos perfectamente por las plataformas.
In my opinion I only enjoy doing things online that I like but there's no problem doing other works.
I don`t like working online too much.
I like it very much because we learn to use other things and not always the books.
They are good, I think we should work more on it.
I like this blog and I think it's going to be very useful!!!!
I prefer to work with computers because it is easier and we can do more things.
I like doing projects because for me it seems like a more fun way to learn.
I don't like working with computers because it´s more difficult.
I love computers and I visit the webs, I like doing English projects
On the one hand I like it since it is quite practical to be able to work from home, but I prefer to work with books.
Me gusta hacer proyectos con el ordenador de vez en cuando, ya que así trabajamos de una manera diferente a la que solemos hacerlo de normal.
I like projects because I work as a team.
I like to do a project every three months because I learn and have fun with my Spanish friends.
I really love working with computers. The most interesting thing for me is singing in English! it´s fun and you learn a lot !
Computers online yes, books no
Me esta gustando tu actividad porque combinas muy bien el aprendizaje y un poquito de diversión. Pero yo prefiero ir a clase porque se me hace más sencillo y más llevadero.
I like doing the projects with my friends because we do the project and we have a good time.
Me gustaría hacer más trabajos orales para poder practicar la pronunciación en inglés. Me gustaría trabajar sobretodo en las expresiones que utilizan allí para poder comunicarte mejor si algún día vas por cualquier motivo.
I find it a very easy, fun and comfortable way for the situation we have now.
I like to work with computers but I don't sometimes understand very clear.
I think that doing projects is fun but I like doing other things like reading or doing exercises. I find them very funny and so we have a good time.
Creo que están bien de vez en cuando.
I prefer the workbook and I prefer not to record videos.
About proyects and computers I think that they are a good idea because it can be fun.
Me gusta trabajar con el ordenador, pero prefiero trabajar manual en clases normales.
Los proyectos los prefiero hacer con el ordenador porque puedes buscar información en Internet, buscar fotos y vídeos, y puedes usar aplicaciones como Word y PowertPoint.
I prefer projects because is more fun and you learn more.
Me parece buena idea hacer proyectos con el ordenador de vez en cuando, ya que no lo solemos hacer normalmente.
I like doing projects with computers. It is easier than doing it with the workbook, but I think that we can learn more with the worbook or student´s book.
In my opinion working with the cumputers is more fun and interesting than only working with books. If the work with the computers is not complicated it's fine and a good experience.
Es mejor que se hagan individuales para que nadie se aproveche de nadie y nade estorbe a ningún alumno.
I like computers. I like it but not all of the computers projects.
Hay veces que la tarea no está bien explicada y personalmente no se que tengo que hacer y tengo que ir preguntando a otras personas.
In my opinion I prefer manual work although that does not mean that I don't know how to use technology. Yet, offline work is easier for me.
I like the computers and the projects but I like small projects. I don 't like big projects
The projects in general are very good to learn. I like it but not for every day.
I like to work with computers because the truth is that I will use them quite well, but English projects are difficult for me since there are things that I do not understand. I see it as a way to complete class work
La verdad es que me gusta mucho más hacer las tareas en los libros y en el cuaderno que en el ordenador pero no me parece mal que lo usemos de vez en cuando, por otra parte no me gusta hacer proyectos me parece un método que premia la creatividad (que aunque me parezca importante no creo que se tenga que valorar tan positivamente), el tiempo libre y a veces le trabajo es de los padres no de los alumnos y no lo bueno que seas en la asignatura. En resumen me gustaría trabajar con ordenadores de vez en cuando pero no me gustaría hacer ningún proyecto.
Al principio era nuevo para todos y la adaptación costó un poco. Pero ahora que ya nos hemos acostumbrado lo llevamos muy bien y sabemos manejarnos perfectamente por las plataformas.
In my opinion I only enjoy doing things online that I like but there's no problem doing other works.
I don`t like working online too much.
I like it very much because we learn to use other things and not always the books.
They are good, I think we should work more on it.
I like this blog and I think it's going to be very useful!!!!
I prefer to work with computers because it is easier and we can do more things.
I like doing projects because for me it seems like a more fun way to learn.
I don't like working with computers because it´s more difficult.
I love computers and I visit the webs, I like doing English projects
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
The studens of 1BRIT were incredible reporters last January. They discovered the history of some sports in Zuera, like the origins of the first basketball male team, insights on the Karting circuit, the champions of the climbing club, horse-riding and many others. You can read it all by clicking here
There is another challenge to do. Complete one of the slides of this presentation here!
There is another challenge to do. Complete one of the slides of this presentation here!
Sunday, 19 April 2020
Watch this video and try to remember the titles of novels by Charles Dickens. Are you ready?
Let us travel to London! Have you ever visited the Charles Dickens Museum in London? He lived in that house for three years, and he wrote Oliver Twist in it. If you want to visit its website, click here
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
Have you ever been to Norway? This is Channel's experience. Maybe you can follow his steps to enjoy this incredibe country. Stay tuned!
Friday, 10 April 2020
Tuesday, 7 April 2020
Está naciendo algo grande...
Éste va a ser el blog real que irá cogiendo cuerpo poquito a poco, primero con entradas en castellano, y más tarde exclusivamente en inglés, de modo que sirva como medio de comunicación para que toda la comunidad educativa y social de nuestro IES GALLICUM pueda compartir el trabajo realizado en inglés ya sea en reportajes producto de trabajos en proyectos, presentaciones, documentos pdf y con frecuencia videoclips. En resumen, que nos atrevemos con todo!
Para empezar, podréis informaros de lo buenos reporteros que son los recién llegados de 1º de ESO, que han descrito de maravilla los deportes existentes en Zuera. También las noticias de meses recientes, elaboradas por los de 2º, y los asombrosos vídeos sobre ciudades del mundo hechos por los de 3º. Todos colaboramos!, y no sólo compartiremos nueva información, sino el ejemplo de las personas trabajadoras e ilusionadas del instituto.
Entre éstas está el profesorado de Inglés. Ya estamos todos encantados de aprovechar entre unos y otros lo que se hace en nuestras aulas, de modo que lo expuesto aquí sirva como material para que el alumnado de otras aulas pueda enriquecerse con ello, ¡o pasar un buen rato admirando el ingenio de algún artista!, que para eso está la sección de Entertainment.
Y en más de una familia se arrebujarán alrededor del ordenador en casa para regocijo de los trabajadores del backstage, como papis cameramen o cocineros en el proyecto de las recetas de cocina, hermanos especialistas en edición de vídeo, exalumnos que nos quieren relatar en inglés sus aventuras en países de habla inglesa... abuelos que quieren comprobar lo buenos actores que son sus nietos.
Ojalá sea tan bonito como cualquier día de trabajo en el IES GALLICUM, como aquél en que se tomó esta foto antes de entrar a trabajar, del río que nos da nombre, nuestro Gállego.
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